Category: Tournament Reports
How to Fix Pool
PoolSynergy June 2010 Edition: How to Fix Pool Jake Dyer, the June host has picked a topic that is near and dear to me. “How to Fix Pool.” See his introduction and links to all of the PoolSynergy articles on his topic here: PoolSynergy Volume 8. This column began as my May PoolSynergy column entitled…
Las Vegas National Tournaments Scatter in 2011
The big news from the headquarters of the (Inter)National pool tournament scene is that in 2011 all three major tournaments will be in different hotel/casino/convention centers. BCAPL/CSI events will stay at the Riviera for the next couple of years. Tournament Director Ric Jones made an announcement over the tournament PA in the middle of the…
Finally, a national first place title!
A goal and dream of mine for the last ten years has been to win a national team championship. It finally happened this year with a wonderful team of Jared Bailey, Jesse Engel, Brian Haffner, and Dustin Morris. I’ll be writing more about the experience soon. Here’s a photo of our winning team.
Live scoring from Las Vegas BCA Nationals 2010
The singles and Scotch Doubles events are almost in the books. Minnesota did very well as you’d expect. The whole “Who Needs a Billiard Coach!?” team cashed in the singles and Jesse Engel finished tied for 7th/8th place. Great work for a field of 1285 players. You can go to the brackets from Or…