Category: Tournament Reports
How to improve your pool game in 30 minutes
Very simple: watch a bit of snooker. You can do it from your desk/home by tuning into the terrific streaming coverage of live snooker from Sheffield, England. HOW THIS HELPS YOUR POOL GAME: – Observe the picture perfect strokes of these professionals Seeing these gentlemen pot (pocket) balls in tiny pockets with rounded jaws (pocket…
M8 to BCAPL to M8 again
As we enter the third back to back weekend of pool extravaganza at Cantebury Park, I’m very excited about my open team for Vegas this year. I’m playing with Shane Jackson, Jared Bailey, Cullen Newton, and Matt Berg. We finished third last weekend in the Masters division. We lost the hot seat match on the…
Post-Derby (Part I of III)
I’ve got a potpourri of opinions and observations about the NEW Derby City Classic. This year marked the 11th Annual DCC and as always, it was great to see a lot of people and players, visiting with new friends and old. The quality of the play is as mind boggling as ever and it is…
Online cue sports video done right!
What’s the deal with all the online pool? Well, you may have noticed the new trend in 2008 of live streaming pool events. It all started with The Action Report challenge matches and live streaming gambling matchups at the DCC and Qlympics. Now they’ve been joined by a bunch of home brewed broadcasters. If you…