Category: PoolSynergy
Team Support
Team Support. The sum can be greater than its parts. My most recent memorable experience is winning the BCAPL National Team tournament in Las Vegas in May. The five man squad sardonically named “Who Needs a Billiard Coach?!” fought through a field of 674 teams to take the top prize of $11,000. The whole event…
A Growing Obsession with Billiards
PoolSynergy – July edition – “What’s your story?” This month’s theme, What’s your story? will be hosted by Michael Reddick, Angle of Reflection and you can view the summary and links to all this month’s articles at: My pool playing experience began in my maternal grandfather’s basement in Glenwood, Minnesota. High on a hill,…
How to Fix Pool
PoolSynergy June 2010 Edition: How to Fix Pool Jake Dyer, the June host has picked a topic that is near and dear to me. “How to Fix Pool.” See his introduction and links to all of the PoolSynergy articles on his topic here: PoolSynergy Volume 8. This column began as my May PoolSynergy column entitled…
The game of pocket billiards is simple, but not easy.
“What is the most important thing?” Fast Mikie selected an appropriate April PoolSynergy topic. One that reflects his personality and if done well, one that could unearth profound nuggets. A topic to challenge our writers to dig up a critical and timeless tidbit to pass along to our readers. Selecting one bit of knowledge from…