Category: Game Strategy
Thirty-One Tips: 2. Watch Better Players
Learning Tip: Pay attention to better players. You’ll have plenty of time in the pool room or at tournaments when you’re not playing. Spend that time wisely. Find out who the better players are or seek out some professional players. You can learn a lot from them. Attitude, Focus, Intensity, and Knowledge of a professional…
Improve your billiard skills – Pattern Play
When I practice, I do it at home and usually alone. My routine on my 9 foot Diamond Pro Am with Simonis 860 cloth is mainly straight pool. I always encourage people to try adding some 14.1 into their training. The benefits are many-fold. Learn to build runs of many balls Learn the importance of…
Aging: A Pool Player’s Gift or Curse?
Pool players can have the blind courage of youth or the wise knowledge of the aged. Time moves on and I’m stuck in the Middle Ages, old enough to know better, yet young enough not to care. Pool players can seem to grow old at a breakneck speed. Perhaps years in the pool room, on…
Short Rack Bank Pool or 9-Ball Banks
A recent comment from Michael Hughes of Indianapolis reminded me of the great game of bank pool and Michael’s powerful banking game. I spent some time with him in 2008 during the Derby City Classic and found him to be down to earth and inspiring. He has a lifelong love of pool and has a…