Author: Mike Fieldhammer
Treasure Island Tournament
Team starts this evening. Stream link is in my forums. Or could someone post it in a comment please? Thank you. Mike
Tournament Prep
I play a lot of tournaments over the course of a year. Some are just weekly local tournaments beginning at 7 p.m. on a weeknight while others are the US Open 9-Ball Championships in Virginia for an entire week. My preparation for almost any tournament I attend is usually the same. My mechanics and performance…
Pool Synergy: Favorite Pool Room
I wish I could go back through all of my travels and taken photos and made notes on each and every pool room I’ve ever been to. So many past and current rooms have made an impression on me. I always try to use the term “Pool Room” and not “Pool Hall.” I do keep…
Thirty-One Tips: 31. Please purchase something from the Billiard Coach
Please consider my goods and services for your next billiard related equipment purchase or pool lesson. Dear Readers, I sincerely hope you’ve grabbed some educational, inspiring, or entertaining material from this month’s series of articles. If so, please consider taking a lesson, buying some pool gear, or tossing a small donation my way. I’m available…