Author: Fieldhammer
Post-Derby (Part I of III)
I’ve got a potpourri of opinions and observations about the NEW Derby City Classic. This year marked the 11th Annual DCC and as always, it was great to see a lot of people and players, visiting with new friends and old. The quality of the play is as mind boggling as ever and it is…
First photos from Derby City Classic
Well, some things are better, some worse. The Horseshoe Casino is grand looking compared to the Executive West. The old hotel was overrun with pool players. The Harrah’s property is expansive in comparison. Huge. In fact, the first observation by most veterans of the DCC is “What the f#%& is with the half mile walk…
Bar Table Magic
There is one good thing about driving the ten hours to Oconomowoc. I got to see some of the best bar box players in the country. Some discussion on the forum is here and more photos are here. I don’t know how anyone could fall asleep with all this great pool going on. Here are…