Pool Players frequently have to burn the midnight oil driving home from match-ups or tournaments. Please do so safely.
Traveling Tip: Stay awake when driving after a late night of pool. An old farmer just told me that he had a surefire way to stay awake for an all night drive. Eat popcorn one kernel at a time. He keeps a large bag in his car and swears that the activity of munching one piece of that fluffy treat at a time gives him something to do for hours. I’ve known pool players who eat sunflower seeds, corn nuts and wasabi peas. These could be too filling, too much work, or I could get sick of them. I enjoy all of these snacks, but believe I’ll give popcorn a try on my next long haul.
This is a more appetizing option than what my dad suggested. He knew a guy who held a big crescent wrench across the steering wheel while he drove. “If it drops, you’ll wake up when it hits your knees.â€Â There are other methods like having the windows down, cranking the tunes, or phoning a friend to stay alert. These could work when you’re driving alone, but when my co-pilot is snoozing, I’ll try chewing some popcorn.
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