Pool Synergy Volume III, Billiard Training

If you are a true pool player, no doubt you’ve caught yourself daydreaming of some aspect of the game at an inopportune time or in a completely unrelated situation. Sometimes die hard pool players can have breakthroughs while piling up miles in the car, golfing with pals, or nodding off at work.

Read about safe shoveling here.
Click photo to read more about shoveling techniques.

Winter hit Minnesota in the teeth with a snowstorm and bitter cold toward the end of December so I had to shovel my drive before heading off to play some 3-Cushion Billiards at the club. The driveway had about ten inches of snow on it and the wind was whipping. I started tossing snow with vigor, and then I thought of how terrible my pool stroke would look like if it was modeled on my shoveling technique. In fact, correct snow shoveling can teach us a lot about a proper pool stroke. Stay balanced, choose footwear with grip, let the shovel do the work, pick a comfortable pace and stick to it, lift with your legs not your back, dress in warm clothes in layers…

Okay, so maybe that is a stretch. But we’ve got a collection of “Outside the Box” ideas this month to help you develop a better pool game via some unexpected thinking.

Gail taps into significant other and professional player Tony Robles for tips on how to develop a killer instinct. How does one of the nicest guys in pool respond? Watch Cartoons, of course.Click here to read Gail Glazebrook’s article

While fiddling around, Samm Diep, “Cherry Bomb” picks up a tip that helps her pool stroke long before she ever picks up a pool cue.Click here to read Samm Diep’s article

John Biddle, PoolSynergy founding father, digs up two tips from sports and one more from a movie about a sport.Click here to read John Biddle’s article

Melinda shows that her business focused leadership training makes her a better pool player. She gives examples of quotes and theories that remind her of mental toughness on the pool table in addition to the business world.Click here to read Melinda’s article

New member to the PoolSynergy collective is pOOlriah harilOOp who began blogging about his pool exploits in July of 2009. He is looking forward to sharing his beginner thoughts with the pool community behind the anonymity of a palindromic alias. What is known is that he’s a league player in the Golden State. In his debut column, he draws inspiration from a variety of things in that can be mental and physical assets in the game of pool.Click here to read pOOlriah harilOOp’s article

The PoolBum proves you shouldn’t judge a bum by his raggedy cover. He expounds on some deep thoughts and recommends readings from a German philosopher.Click here to read PoolBum’s article

Joe Waldron implores us to find something in life to be passionate about, even if it is as simple as busing tables.Click here to read Joe’s article.

Alison Fischer  of NYC Grind hosts an article by Hu, a frequent poster on the AZBilliards forums under the screen name of ShootingArts. He sheds light on childhood contests that formed the basis of his competitive spirit.  He also draws bits from Chess and Auto Racing(go figure!) for inspiration in his pool game.Click here to read NYC Grind’s guest article

Michael McCafferty  hosts an article by a player on the opposite coast, Rolando Aravena.  A house pro at Strokers II in Tampa, Rolando writes about a particularly appropriate blend of an eastern martial art combined with a sport with striking similarities to pool.Click here to read PoolShooter’s guest article

Jake has a nice video piece that inspired better pool by exploring new places.Click here to read R.A. “Jake” Dyer’s article

Johnny101 hosts a piece written by guest writer Steve Jennings, an instructor in Charlotte. He explains how metrics in the business world are a necessity for management and players would benefit from incorporating control numbers into their pool game. Got Steve Jennings’ Guest column Click here to read Johnny 101’s guest article

In my own entry, I relate a health issue to learning to train one’s body for pool.Click here to read Billiard Coach’s article

Next month, Gail will have a cracking good topic for PoolSynergy Volume IV.  Stay tuned!


8 responses to “Pool Synergy Volume III, Billiard Training”

  1. […] collection of the best writing on pool. After you read this, be sure to check out the rest of the January edition of PoolSynergy for other great articles over at Mike Fieldhammer’s Billiard Coach. January’s theme is […]

  2. As I read more and more articles from this month, I’m drawn to the notion that having a life and/or interest outside of pool makes a better pool player.

    Bruce Lee: “If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.”

    There is such a thing as TOO MUCH POOL. I’ve found that the best players are the well-rounded ones both on and off the table.

  3. Balance is a good thing.

  4. Link to Joe Waldron’s article is wrong. The correct link is this:


  5. Jarno,

    Thanks very much for pointing that out. I’ve corrected it. Sorry Joe!


  6. […] 1 – November 2009 Volume 2 – December 2009 Volume 3 – January 2010 Volume 4 – February 2010 Volume 5 – March 2010 Volume 6 – April […]

  7. […] This article is the third of a series of posts written in coordination with other pool bloggers entitled "PoolSynergy". This month's theme is LIFE LESSON APPLICATION. To see others, go to: http://www.billiardcoach.com/home/2010/01/15/poolsynergy-volume-iii […]

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