Year: 2009
Is anyone going to stay at the Riv?
It must be the economy. I can’t even remember how many years in a row I’ve played in the BCA National Championships in Las Vegas. Every May, the Riviera is teaming with pool players. In past years when I decided to stay at the host hotel, I had to make my reservations in early January. …
C-Notes for Billiard Players? A cash saving plan?
Economy-schmonomy! I ran across this seemingly strange advice. Carry large bills to spend less. Say what? How do you think this works with pool players and gamblers? I have a friend who’s a banker and I had to break a hundred in his lobby a year ago to pay him a debt. He chuckled and…
Anger Management
As I was just about shoot in the match-winning 8 ball during league tonight, I was startled by a thunderous crash. Evidently, a player lost a match and decided to break his cue stick on the side of the table. Years ago, countermen, managers, or owners of pool rooms would keep a sharp eye out…
Tip question
Yesterday, I received the following message from a reader: If you break with your shooter and the tip becomes mushroomed, does that actually compact the tip and make that tip harder? (First of all, I would never break hard with my shooter) My friend Robert has a shaft that I am going to try out…