Exercises from the P.A.T. (Playing Ability Test)

The Playing Ability Test, better known as PAT, was devised by internationally-recognized coaches in Europe over the past three years. The system has been endorsed by the World Pool-Billiard Association as a credible internationally standardized program for objectively identifying the overall abilities of students so that areas needing improvement may be pinpointed. Students may compare their performance ratings with the other students around the globe through the PAT Website at www.pat-billiard.com.

As an ACS Instructor/Coach and PAT Examiner, I find each of the ten areas tested challenging. I’ve shown diagrams of two classic drills that have been modified for the PAT. In the first diagram, start with ball in hand along the third diamond from the head of the table. You must shoot the 5 ball first. Pocket the ball in the corner and play the cue ball to scratch in the same pocket. It may not hit the 7 ball on the way to the corner pocket. One point is scored for pocketing the object ball and one point for the cue ball scratching. It takes a very accurate stroke to complete both parts of the shot. Shoot the 3 shots on the right side of the diagram then the 3 balls on the left side of the diagram beginning with the 10 ball. Maximum score for the exercise is 12 points.
PAT 1 Example
The second classic drill is shown in the second diagram. Arrange the balls in an ‘L’ and shoot them in order into the corner pocket. Begin with ball in hand, but after your first shot you must play from the position you’ve left yourself for the next shot. Maximum score for this is ten.
PAT Example 2
Test yourself, or contact me if you’d like more information on the PAT.

Schedule a private lesson or group clinic with Mike. He can be reached via www.billiardcoach.com or by phone at 612.802.0519. Billiard Coach, LLC is a member of the Billiard Congress of America. Mike is a certified PAT examiner, a Billiard Congress of America Certified Instructor, and an ACS Certified Coach/Instructor.


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